PRECISE DIFFRACTION ANGLES BY FFTand the counter slit, t is the thickness of the specimen and 2A is the breadth of the spot on which the incident beam falls. In this case, where the vertical diversion of the beam is neglected, both t and A are variable factors in the experiment. If the value of /.1. = 143cm -1, estimated from the mass absorption coefficients of oxygen and silicon (Cullity, 1978) and the density of SiO2, and the goniometer radius of L= 175 mm are entered into (13), AO is found to be less than 9 x 10 -3° for 20 > 90 °. On the other hand, the analytical process of a personal computer is effective to six figures and its precision of calculation is better than 0.001 °. The difference between 20a and 20th is at most 0.02 ° because the goniometer has a precision of 20 =0.01 ° and is scanned with a step width of 0.01 ° in 20. All errors involved in the analysis can therefore be reduced through the mechanical accuracy of the goniometer. Consequently, it is definitely possible by adopting this analytical method to obtain a higher analytical accuracy when the accuracy of the goniometer is improved and the step width is reduced.
AbstractThe structural description, symmetry and diffraction properties of incommensurate modulated phases are revised using a real-space framework. The superspace formalism usually employed is reformulated using a practical description where no multidimensional geometrical constructions are needed. The incommensurate structural distortion is described in terms of 'atomic modulation functions' where the internal space is only considered as a continuous label for the cells of the non-distorted structure. Hence, no atomic positions or thermal tensors in a multidimensional space are defined. By this means and with the introduction of the concept of 'atomic modulation factors' a general expression for the structure factor is proposed which constitutes a direct generalization of the standard expression for a commensurate structure. The concept of superspace symmetry is reduced in this approach to a simple relation between the defined atomic modulation functions, which can be 0108-7673/87/020216-11501.50 directly translated by means of the structure-factor expression into the symmetry and extinction rules of the diffraction diagram. The advantages of superspace formalism in the analysis of commensurate modulated phases are also discussed. The use of superspace groups for describing the symmetry of superstructures, contrary to some recent claims, does not formally reduce the number of structural parameters but may often allow some of them to be neglected.