The spatial-wavenumber filter method can extract the specific mode of the Lamb wave, thereby distinguishing the incident wave and the damage reflection wave. This method has been widely studied for damage imaging. However, the diameter of piezoelectric transducer (PZT) sensor limits the spatial sampling wavenumber of the linear PZT sensor array, which limits the application of this method because of the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem. Therefore, the wavenumber filtering range of spatial-wavenumber filter should be less than half of the spatial sampling wavenumber. In this paper, a frequency aliasing based spatial-wavenumber filter for online damage monitoring is proposed. In this method, the wavenumber filtering range is extended to the spatial sampling wavenumber, and two wavenumber results will be calculated as for the frequency aliasing. Subsequently, the wavenumber of the received Lamb wave signal can be obtained according to the average arrival time difference between the two adjacent sensors in the linear PZT sensor array. Finally, the damage is localized using the spatial-wavenumber filter and cruciform PZT sensor array. This method was validated on an epoxy laminate plate. The maximum damage localization errors are less than 2 cm. It is indicated that this method can extend the spatial-wavenumber filtering range to the spatial sampling wavenumber and the application of spatial-wavenumber filter-based online damage monitoring.