The scheduling of parallel machines is a well-known problem in many companies. Nevertheless, not always all the jobs can be manufactured in any machine and the eligibility appears. Based on a real-life problem, we present a model which has m parallel machines with different level of quality from the highest level for the first machine till the lowest level for the last 10 machine. The set of jobs to be scheduled on these m parallel machines are also distributed among these m levels: one job from a level can be manufactured in a machine of the same or higher level but a penalty, depending on the level, appears when a job is manufactured in a machine different from the highest level i.e. different from the first machine. Besides, there are release dates and delivery times associated to each job. The tackled problem is bi-objective with the criteria: minimisation of the final date -i.e. the maximum for all the jobs of their completion time plus the delivery time -and the minimisation 15 of the total penalty generated by the jobs. In a first step, we analyse the sub-problem of minimisation of the final date on a single machine for jobs with release dates and delivery times. Four heuristics and an improvement algorithm are proposed and compared on didactic examples and on a large set of instances. In a second step an algorithm is proposed to approximate the set of efficient solutions and the Pareto front of the bi-objective problem. This algorithm contains two phases: the first is a depth search phase and the second is a backtracking phase. The procedure is illustrated in detail on an instance with 20 20 jobs and 3 machines. Then extensive numerical experiments are realised on two different sets of instances, with 20, 30 and 50 jobs, 3 or 4 machines and various values of penalties. Except for the case of 50 jobs, the results are compared with the exact Pareto front.