IzvlečekIzhodišča: Cervikalni nekrozantni fasciitis je infekcijska bolezen z resnimi zapleti in slabo napovedjo izida. Poročamo o primeru cervikalnega nekrozantnega fasciitisa, ki je povzročil obojestransko disfunkcijo zgornjih grlnih živcev, in opisujemo značilnosti tega redkega zapleta.Prikaz primera: 71-letna bolnica s cervikalnim nekrozantnim fasciitisom je po operaciji dobila težave z disfagijo. Radiološka in fiberoptična obravnava sta pokazali aspiriranje in hiposenzibiliteto glotisa in supraglotisa. Poleg nezadostnega dviga grla pojasnjujemo disfagijo še s senzoričnim deficitom supraglotisne sluznice, ki mu sledi odsotnost addukcije glasilk med požiranjem. Senzorični deficit smo pripisali toksičnemu nevritisu, ki je povzročil disfunkcijo obeh notranjih vej zgornjih laringealnih živcev. Ozdravitev cervikalnega nekrozantnega fasciitisa in toksičnega nevritisa sta omogočili povrnitev senzorične funkcije in požiranja.Zaključki: Čeprav literatura o tem poroča le občasno, so bolniki s cervikalnim nekrozantnim fasciitisom nagnjeni k toksičnemu nevritisu in zato nevrološkim izpadom možganskih živcev. Sodijo k dodatnim zapletom te bolezni.
AbstractBackground: Cervical necrotizing fasciitis is an infectious disease with serious complications and grave prognosis. We report a case of cervical necrotizing fasciitis with consequent bilateral dysfunction of the superior laryngeal nerves and describe the characteristics of this exceptional complication.Case report: A 71-year-old female patient, surgically treated for cervical necrotizing fasciitis, suffered from severe dysphagia after surgery. Radiographic and fiberendoscopic evaluation showed aspiration and hyposensibility of glottis and supraglottis. Apart from inadequate laryngeal elevation, we explain dysphagia also by sensory deficit of the supraglottic mucosa with consequent lack of vocal folds adduction during swallowing. The sensory deficit was attributed to the toxic neuritis-mediated dysfunction of both internal branches of the superior laryngeal nerves. The healing of both cervical necrotizing fasciitis and toxic neuritis led to the restoration of sensory function and swallowing.
Conclusions:Although only occasionally reported in the literature, patients with cervical necrotizing fasciitis are prone to toxic neuritismediated neurological deficits of the cranial nerves, which are considered to be another complication of this entity.