BIOGRAPHIES Daniel Gerbeth received a Bachelor and Master's degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany in 2014. During Master studies he specialized in aerospace technology and navigation. After working in the field of sensor fusion and navigation aiding at Fraunhofer IOSB he joined German Aerospace Center (DLR) in May 2015 and is involved in the research on GBAS since then. Maria Caamano received a Master's degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Oviedo, Spain, in March 2015. During Master studies, she specialized in the field of signal theory and communications. The same year she joined the German Aerospace Center where she is working on the impact of ionospheric irregularities in the single-frequency single-constellation GBAS. Mihaela-Simona Circiu studied Computer Engineering at Technical University Gheorghe Asachi, Romania. She obtained a 2nd level Specialized Master in Navigation and Related Application from Politecnico di Torino, Italy in 2012. Since 2013 she has been working as a research associate at the Institute of Communications and Navigation at the German Aerospace Center. Her main focus is multi-frequency multi-constellation Ground Based Augmentation System. Michael Felux received a diploma in Technical Mathematics from the Technical University of Munich in 2009. The same year he joined the German Aerospace Center where he has been working on the development of the GBAS GAST C testbed at the research airport in Braunschweig and its upgrade to GAST D. He was involved in flight testing and ground validation of the station and the approach procedures. Since 2015 he is coordinating DLRs research on GBAS-based navigation.