The concept of a composed product for univariate polynomials has been explored oextensively by Brawley, Brown, Carlitz, Gao, Mills et al. Starting with these fundamental ideas and using fractional power series representation of bivariate polynomials, the current authors Mills and Neuerburg [Mills, D., Neuerburg, K. M. A bivariate analogue to the composed product of polynomials. Algebra Colloquium (to appear)] generalize the univariate results by defining and investigating a bivariate composed sum, composed multiplication, and composed product (based on function composition) for certain classes of bivariate polynomials. In this, the sequel, we extend the generalizations to certain classes of multivariate polynomials, written as f(x 1 , . . . , x n ), over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. In particular, we consider a composed sum and composed multiplication defined on the class of quasiordinary polynomials. We then consider what algebraic structure is imposed by these operations. Next, we consider a generalization of the geometry associated with the class of n-quasiordinary polynomials. # Communicated by S. Wiegand.
REPRINTSFinally, we utilize this geometry to show that an algorithm given by Gao and Lauder [Gao, S., Lauder, A. G. B. (2001). Decomposition of polytopes and polynomials. Discrete Comput. Geom. 26(1):89-104] to determine whether a given bivariate polynomial is absolutely irreducible over a given field can be used to ascertain whether a given trivariate polynomial that factors completely in one variable decomposes according to the composed multiplication operation.