The celebrated Time Hierarchy Theorem for Turing machines states, informally, that more problems can be solved given more time. The extent to which a time hierarchy-type theorem holds in the classic distributed LOCAL model has been open for many years. In particular, it is consistent with previous results that all natural problems in the LOCAL model can be classified according to a small constant number of complexities, such as Op1q, Oplog˚nq, Oplog nq, 2 Op ? log nq , etc. In this paper we establish the first time hierarchy theorem for the LOCAL model and prove that several gaps exist in the LOCAL time hierarchy. Our main results are as follows:• We define an infinite set of simple coloring problems called Hierarchical 2 1 2 -Coloring. A correctly colored graph can be confirmed by simply checking the neighborhood of each vertex, so this problem fits into the class of locally checkable labeling (LCL) problems. However, the complexity of the klevel Hierarchical 2 1 2 -Coloring problem is Θpn 1{k q, for k P Z`. The upper and lower bounds hold for both general graphs and trees, and for both randomized and deterministic algorithms.• Consider any LCL problem on bounded degree trees. We prove an automatic-speedup theorem that states that any randomized n op1q -time algorithm solving the LCL can be transformed into a deterministic Oplog nq-time algorithm. Together with a previous result [6], this establishes that on trees, there are no natural deterministic complexities in the ranges ωplog˚nq-oplog nq or ωplog nqn op1q .• We expose a gap in the randomized time hierarchy on general graphs. Roughly speaking, any randomized algorithm that solves an LCL problem in sublogarithmic time can be sped up to run in OpTLLLq time, which is the complexity of the distributed Lovász local lemma problem, currently known to be Ωplog log nq and Oplog nq.Finally, we revisit Naor and Stockmeyer's characterization of Op1q-time LOCAL algorithms for LCL problems (as order-invariant w.r.t. vertex IDs) and calculate the complexity gaps that are directly implied by their proof. For n-rings we see a ωp1q-oplog˚nq complexity gap, for p ? nˆ?nq-tori an ωp1qop a log˚nq gap, and for bounded degree trees and general graphs, an ωp1q-oplogplog˚nqq complexity gap.The goal of this paper is to understand the spectrum of natural problem complexities that can exist in the LOCAL model [31,37] of distributed computation, and to quantify the value of randomness in this model. Whereas the time hierarchy of Turing machines is known 1 to be very "smooth", recent work [6,5] has exhibited strange gaps in the LOCAL complexity hierarchy. Indeed, prior to this work it was not even known if the LOCAL model could support more than a small constant number of problem complexities. Before surveying prior work in this area, let us formally define the deterministic and randomized variants of the LOCAL model, and the class of locally checkable labeling (LCL) problems, which are intuitively those graph problems that can be computed locally in nondeterministic constant time.In bo...