machines acting on genes are at the core of life’s
fundamental processes, including DNA replication and repair, gene
transcription and regulation, chromatin packaging, RNA splicing, and
genome editing. Here, we report the increasing role of computational
biophysics in characterizing the mechanisms of “machines on
genes”, focusing on innovative applications of computational
methods and their integration with structural and biophysical experiments.
We showcase how state-of-the-art computational methods, including
classical and ab initio molecular dynamics to enhanced sampling techniques,
and coarse-grained approaches are used for understanding and exploring
gene machines for real-world applications. As this review unfolds,
advanced computational methods describe the biophysical function that
is unseen through experimental techniques, accomplishing the power
of the “computational microscope”, an expression coined
by Klaus Schulten to highlight the extraordinary capability of computer
simulations. Pushing the frontiers of computational biophysics toward
a pragmatic representation of large multimegadalton biomolecular complexes
is instrumental in bridging the gap between experimentally obtained
macroscopic observables and the molecular principles playing at the
microscopic level. This understanding will help harness molecular
machines for medical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnological purposes.