The research focuses on the issue of controlling a manipulator attached to a deployment, which typically exhibits compliance due to its mechanical nature. The problem is generalized as a motion control of a robotic manipulator attached to oscillatory bases. Due to the complexity of this problem, we decompose the control task into two subtasks and distribute them over two different levels. In the design of hierarchical fuzzy control structure, the lower level controllers take into account each subsystem ignoring the interactions among them, while higher-level controller handles subsystem interactions. The upper-level coordinator (supervisory) to deal with the model reduction error and makes the supervisory decision to the lower level. Moreover, the supervisory fuzzy rule set is used to adjust the weighting factors of the hierarchical fuzzy controller to achieve better performance. Finally, the composite control strategy can be applied for the full system. The results of this study can be feasible to various mechanical systems, such as mobile robot, gantry cranes, underwater robot, and other dynamic systems mounted on oscillatory bases.