Aflatoxins are potent toxic and carcinogenic compounds, produced by Aspergillus parasiticus and A. flavus as secondary metabolites. In this research, a polyketide synthase gene (pksL1), the key gene for aflatoxin biosynthesis initiation in A. parasiticus, has been functionally identified and molecularly characterized. PCRderived DNA probes were used to find the pksL1 gene from subtracted, aflatoxin-related clones. Gene knockout experiments generated four pksL1 disruptants which lost both the ability to produce aflatoxins B1, B2, and G1 and the ability to accumulate norsolorinic acid and all other intermediates of the aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway. A pksL1 DNA probe detected a 6.6-kb poly(A) ؉ RNA transcript in Northern (RNA) hybridizations. This transcript, associated with aflatoxin production, exhibited a regulated expression that was influenced by growth phase, medium composition, and culture temperature. DNA sequencing of pksL1 revealed an open reading frame for a polypeptide (PKSL1) of 2,109 amino acids. Sequence analysis further recognized four functional domains in PKSL1, acyl carrier protein, -ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase, acyltransferase, and thioesterase, all of which are usually present in polyketide synthases and fatty acid synthases. On the basis of these results, we propose that pksL1 encodes the polyketide synthase which synthesizes the backbone polyketide and initiates aflatoxin biosynthesis. In addition, the transcript of pksL1 exhibited heterogeneity at the polyadenylation site similar to that of plant genes.Aflatoxins (AFs) are a group of polyketide-derived mycotoxins produced by certain strains of Aspergillus parasiticus and A. flavus (10, 27). As with other secondary metabolites, the biosynthesis of AFs occurs at the beginning of and during idiophase when growth of the molds has greatly slowed or stopped, while developmental and chemical differentiation ensue (27). AFB 1 , AFB 2 , AFG 1 , and AFG 2 are the most abundant AFs (20). These toxic and carcinogenic compounds frequently contaminate food and feed commodities (3, 36). A typical AF, AFB 1 for example, is produced by the following generally accepted pathway: acetate building blocks (also hexanoate)3anthrone-derivative polyketide3norsolorinic acid (NA)3averanfin3averufin3hydroxyversicolorine3versiconal hemiacetal acetate3versicolorin B3versicolorin A3sterig-matocystin3o-methylsterigmatocystin3AFB 1 (13,15,27,58). NA is polyketide derived and represents the first stable intermediate in AF biosynthesis (34,37). An unstable anthronederivative polyketide has been proposed as a hypothetical intermediate formed prior to NA, but this theoretical polyketide has not been isolated, presumably because it is rapidly oxidized to NA (27).Genes involved in the initial steps of the pathway are still unknown; their identification and characterization are essential to understanding the initiation of AF biosynthesis (15). In the initial steps of AF biosynthesis, there is predicted to be a polyketide synthase (PKS), but the enzyme has not been is...