Abstract. Let M be a connected d-manifold without boundary obtained from a (possibly infinite) collection P of polytopes of R d by identifying them along isometric facets. Let V (M ) be the set of vertices of M . For each v ∈ V (M ), define the discrete Gaussian curvature κ M (v) as the normal angle-sum with sign, extended over all polytopes having v as a vertex. Our main result is as follows: If the absolute total curvature v∈V (M ) |κ M (v)| is finite, then the limiting curvature κ M (p) for every end p ∈ End M can be well-defined and the Gauss-Bonnet formula holds:In particular, if G is a (possibly infinite) graph embedded in a 2-manifold M without boundary such that every face has at least 3 sides, and if the combinatorial curvature Φ G (v) ≥ 0 for all v ∈ V (G), then the number of vertices with nonvanishing curvature is finite. Furthermore, if G is finite, then M has four choices: sphere, torus, projective plane, and Klein bottle. If G is infinite, then M has three choices: cylinder without boundary, plane, and projective plane minus one point.
Polytopal manifolds