Ultrnhigl~-~t~olcct~l~~r-~u~~ig/~t polyetiiyler~e (UHAI W P E ) andpolycarbot~otc pins loere slid dtg agaitzst cot~titazco~is graphite fiber1 epoxy pl~tes it1 t.eciproc(~ting t~~~c l~i p l e -p m s zuer~r testsfor difSErent ~ulzces of virgin szrtf(~ce roccgllness, fiber orientaliota, ancl load.
Sc(~~r~riI'ttg e~ectro?~ p h o t o~t~i~r o g r a p /~~of the po/jrner wear stofaces 7uere co?tlbit~ed wit/r. three-llittte?lsiot~(cl grc~plrs of wecu rate versus virgirr szc?f(cce rotcglttress OIL^ fiber oriei~tatior~. The types of sccrface rlattrccge obseelued for. U H M W P E (11 boll1 at1 8.9-(old 35.6-N load ruere ~tlild pl~stic dcfurinatio~l, faliglre of loose particles, arid light c~brrcsive crtlling. Tile type.r of szclface du~rrccge obsejued for polycarbonate at either loud ruere n~assive abrasive p l o w i~~g a11d plastic pow of vtaterir~l. Tile rueur debris for UHIMWPE consisfed of rolled, cut, or estrttded particles; for polycc~lbor~nte, CIZI?II~S of transferred plateazcs of polynrer. Tile tolit pressure times velocit~ (PV) litt~itfor polycarbonate was reached when samples were slid against the most abrasive corcnterface transverse to the graphite fibers.