DOI: 10.4314/ajpherd.v17i2.67660
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An analysis of a national strategic framework to promote tourism, leisure, sport and recreation in South Africa

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Cited by 3 publications
(6 citation statements)
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“…They write, 'In South Africa, sport, recreation, and tourism are government-led, private sector driven and community-based…' It is therefore important, when the opportunity exists, to include tourism development in LED plans. Spencer and Zembani (2011) further note that in order for tourism potential to be fully realised there is a need for public-private partnerships and that it is the role of government to create an environment where such partnerships can be brokered. They further note that even though there is great potential for tourism development in developing countries, like South Africa, in many developing countries tourism is still in its embryonic development stage, signaling the potential for growth.…”
Section: Literature Reviewmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…They write, 'In South Africa, sport, recreation, and tourism are government-led, private sector driven and community-based…' It is therefore important, when the opportunity exists, to include tourism development in LED plans. Spencer and Zembani (2011) further note that in order for tourism potential to be fully realised there is a need for public-private partnerships and that it is the role of government to create an environment where such partnerships can be brokered. They further note that even though there is great potential for tourism development in developing countries, like South Africa, in many developing countries tourism is still in its embryonic development stage, signaling the potential for growth.…”
Section: Literature Reviewmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Despite this observation, tourism has been used as a development tool in both industrialising and industrialised countries. It has also been used in strategies to reduce poverty (Mtapuri and Giampiccoli, 2013;Rogerson, 2013b;Spencer and Zembani, 2011) and it has been used as such in countries like South Africa, Botswana and Mozambique (Giampiccoli et al, 2015). Tourism is used as a community development tool and it has been incorporated into national development plans for instance in South Africa where it is incorporated into LED plans.…”
Section: Literature Reviewmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The impacts and experiences of heritage tourism amongst tourists in urban centres has also been documented (King, Flynn, 2012, Marschall, 2012, van der Merwe, 2013van der Merwe, Rogerson, 2013;van der Merwe, 2014); as well as a variety of work done around tourists' perceptions and experiences of specific heritage sites (Shackley, 2001;Newbury, 2005;Phaswana-Mafuya, Haydam, 2005;Baines, 2007;Weiss, 2007;Grobler, 2008;Naidu, 2008;Nzama, 2008;Bakker, Muller, 2010;de Jager, 2010;Spencer, Zembani, 2011;King, Flynn, 2012;Manavhela, Spencer, 2012;Tlabela, Munthree, 2012;Ivanovic, Saayman, 2013;Ivanovic, 2014;Khumalo et al, 2014;Masilo, 2015;Rogerson, van der Merwe, 2016).…”
Section: Literature Reviewmentioning
confidence: 99%