Costs of living, especially in urban areas, have been increasing continually. This requires both parents to have dual incomes to support their family. As a result, they do not have much time to cook at home. Due to changing lifestyles, especially among urban dwellers, fast food has become the first choice. There is a variety of fast food offered by many famous brands. However, unwittingly, some brands are preferred over other brands. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the factors that determine customer satisfaction and, subsequently, customer choice for selecting the preferred brand. Based on 120 responses gathered using a survey method, a multiple regression analysis results show that service quality, price and waiting time are why customers choose certain fast-food restaurants. The study's findings are beneficial to the management of fast food restaurants to focus on these factors for greater customer satisfaction. The findings also contribute to the body of knowledge in terms of confirming the earlier satisfaction model, especially in the context of the fast food industry.