The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (Energy Authority) is responsiblefor the developmentand useof safe,dependable, renewable and economic energy sources and con._ervationtechnologies, lt sponsorsenergy research, developmentand demonstration(RD&D) projects and financingprograms designedto help utilitiesand other privatecompaniesfund certain energy-relatedprojects. The Energy Authorityi:; a public benefitcorporationwhich was created in 1975 by the New York State Legislature.In workingtowardthese goals, the Energy Authoritysponsorsresearch, development and demonstrationprojectsin two major programareas: Energy Efficiencyand Economic Development,and Energy Resources and EnvironmentalResearch.Under itsfinancingprogram,the Energy Authorityis authorizedto issue tax-exempt bondsto finance certain electric or gas facilitiesand specialenergy projectsfor private companies.The Energy Authorityalso has responsibilityfor constructingand then operating facilitiesforthe disposalof low-level radioactivewastes produced in New York State. The generatorsof these wastes ultimatelywillbear the costsof the constructionof these facilities. The EnergyAuthority'sRD&D program is also supported byfunds from a varietyof cosponsors,includingutilities, universities,industries,privateengineeringand scientific researchfirms, localgovernments, and State and Federal agencies.