This analysis took a realistic approach, concentrating on politeness techniques encountered in the Pesbukers Variety Show. This study aimed to look at various types of politeness strategies, decide which type was the most prevalent, and learn what factors influenced politeness strategies in Pesbukers' variety show. Since the data gathered from the journal, the research approach was descriptive qualitative research with content analysis. The researcher chooses episode 10, broadcasted on 15 May 2019, with a duration of 1 hour 12 minutes. The data was collected in several stages: familiarisation and organisation, coding and reduction, interpretation, and representation. The results revealed that in Pesbukers variety show, there were 37politeness strategies: bald on-record 6 (16%), positive politeness 26 (70%), negative politeness 4 (11%), and off-record 1 (1%). (3 percent ). Positive politeness was the most common form of politeness strategy in Pesbukers' variety show. Positive politeness from both the speaker and the listener leads to a social situation, good connections, and contact. Circumstances were a factor that affected Pesbukers' preference of politeness strategies. The relative power2 (5% ) and social distance35 are two situations that deal with sociological variables (95 per cent). Relative power (P) used a greater degree of politeness with others with higher power or authority. Social distance (D) as a combination of psychological factors such as social standing and age. In conclusion, with this research, we must be careful when we used a language to communicate with others so that the conversation becomes run well.