The testing of fast reactor fuels in the thermal-spectrum of the Advanced Test Reactor using cadmium-filtering has been underway since 2003. The objective of this experimental approach to create a temperature profile inside of test fuel rodlets that is nearly prototypic of corresponding fast reactor conditions. This requires, necessarily, that the power generation profile inside of test fuel rodlets also be nearly prototypic of corresponding fast reactor conditions. By doing so, this experimental approach should allow for the study of fast reactor fuel performance phenomena that are primarily dependent upon the conditions of temperature and/or temperature gradient inside the fuel to be possible using a thermal test reactor. Validation of this assertion has been undertaken by both supporting analyses and by comparing fuel performance phenomena observed in fuels irradiated in cadmium-filtered positions in ATR to similar or identical fuels irradiated under similar conditions in genuine fast reactors. This report documents a preliminary comparison of fuel performance data available from the testing of metallic, oxide, and nitride fuels in cadmium-filtered positions in the ATR to the performance of identical or similar fuels irradiated in genuine fast reactors. Although a variety of fuel performance metrics are presented, particular attention is paid to those phenomena that are primarily, or significantly, dependent on conditions of temperature and temperature gradient with the fuel. Although the comparisons presented in this report are at this time limited in scope and preliminary in nature, they do support the assertion that the objectives of the cadmium-filtered testing approach in ATR are both feasible and appear sound. The analyses and comparisons presented in this report show that ATR irradiations performed using cadmium shrouding are sufficiently prototypic Testing Fast Reactor Fuels in a Thermal Reactor: A Comparison Report vi