OBJECTIVES-Few studies have assessed the relationship between depressive symptoms and early onset of alcohol use in children and early adolescents. We aimed to determine whether depressive symptoms in children are associated with subsequent initiation of alcohol use and, if so, whether this association is merely a result of demographic, parental, and/or individual risk factors shared by depression and alcohol use or independent of these shared risk factors.
METHODS-Analyseswere based on a subsample of 10-to 13-year-old children (N = 1119) from the Boricua Youth Study, a longitudinal study of psychopathology among Puerto Rican children and early adolescents. Children in the study were assessed over 3 waves between 2000 and 2004. In-person structured interviews were conducted with both parents and children.RESULTS-Depressive symptoms and alcohol use shared some significant risk and protective factors, such as parental psychopathology, parenting, child exposure to violence, and antisocial behaviors. After controlling for these factors, the association between depressive symptoms and alcohol use was reduced, but childhood depressive symptoms were still positively associated with subsequent alcohol use initiation. Children with medium or high levels of depressive symptoms were more than twice as likely to use alcohol as those with <2 depressive symptoms.
CONCLUSIONS-The finding of the current study that early life depressive symptoms may lead to earlier onset of alcohol use indicates the importance of identifying and treating depressive symptoms in preadolescent children. It also demonstrates the importance of examining shared risk and protective factors for understanding the relationship between depressive symptoms and alcohol use.
Keywordsdepression; alcohol/drug use; age at onset; children and adolescents Copyright © 2006 27 Such an association has also been found to exist in adolescence. [28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37] Few studies have examined depression and alcohol use within childhood and early adolescence. [38][39][40] Two of these studies found evidence of a significant relationship between early depressive symptoms and early initiation of alcohol use. 38,39 In discussing the reasons for the relationship between depression and use and abuse of alcohol and other substances, some studies have pointed to effects of depression on alcohol use and abuse, supporting the idea that the relationship may, to some extent, result from individuals' attempts to "self-medicate" their depressive symptoms by using alcohol. 31,41 Other studies have pointed to (usually long-term) use of alcohol as a culprit in increases in symptoms of depression over time. 29,42 Still others have emphasized the likelihood that there exist environmental 43,44 and/or genetic factors, 45-48 which tend to significantly increase individuals' vulnerability to both types of disorders.Factors that have been found to be related to early alcohol use initiation include male gender, 49-51 low levels of parental monitoring, 52,53 frequen...