In this study, the potential effects of increased water temperature on fish habitat were analysed in the streams of Nakdong River watershed. The changes in suitable habitats for each fish species and in species number at a habitat site were predicted, based on the maximum thermal tolerances of 22 fish species. The estimated maximum thermal tolerance ranged between 27.7℃ and 33.1℃. Then, the increase of water temperature in 78-sites of Nakdong River watershed by 2100 was predicted by using the estimated air temperature data by 2100 in the literature and the regression analysis between air-temperature and watertemperature at each sites. The water temperature was estimated to have increased by 0.69℃, 1.76℃, and 2.32℃ in 2011~2040 (period S1), 2041~2070 (S2), and 2071~2100 (S3), respectively. With such increases in water temperature, the averaged suitable habitats for all 22 fish species would be influenced by 21.9%, 36.3%, and 51.4% in periods S1, S2, and S3, respectively.