On the basis ofmemory structure research, a series of four studies was conducted in order to determine whether individuals (1) could generate memory structures for escalating relationships, (2) agree on the rank ordm'ng of expected actions, (3) distinguish between the perceived typicality of such actions and how necesw y the behaviors were in order for a relationship to develop, and (4) segment prototypical scenes of escalating relationships in a time-ordered linear sequence. A number of hypotheses dealing with the generation and processing of expectations for relationship growth are offered and discussed. Additionally, gender diferences are posited in which women generate more escalating actions, pracess relationship memory structures faster, and rate common actions as being more typical than men do. Results revealed a prototypical escalating menmy structure containing 13 behaviors that could be processed and understood in terms offour underlyingfactors. Gender differences were also obserued, and these are discussed in terms of females closely monitoring relational trajectories. Implications of menwry structure resenrchfor analyzing relational stages are discussed as well.critical assumption of many developmental theories (e.g., Knapp, 1984, Levinger, 1974Lewis, 1972;Murstein, 1974) is A that relationships progress through a series of stages. Furthermore, recognition of particular relational stages serves the heuristic function of assessing developmental trajectories and providing cues for stage-appropriate conduct. While research on relationships James M.