“…Since the structure of the Pomeron is relatively well understood and largely does not depend on the process, the existence of the rapidity gap allows us to separate the strong interactions involving different hadrons. While conventionally diffractive production of mesons has been studied in ep collisions, there are various theoretical suggestions to use pp collisions for studies of the diffractive production of prompt quarkonia [2][3][4][5][6], dijets [7], gauge bosons [8], Higgs bosons [9], heavy quarks [10][11][12], quarkonia pairs [13], and Drell-Yan processes [14]. The possibility of measuring diffractive production in pp collisions has been demonstrated at the Tevatron [15][16][17][18][19], while at the LHC, some diffractive processes (e.g., single diffractive pp → pX) have been measured with very good precision [1], although diffractive production of additional heavy hadrons so far has not been explored in depth (see, however, the preliminary feasibility study [20]).…”