LIST OF SYMBOLS m Number of criteria n Number of alternatives TVHD Total voltage harmonic distortion VSS Voltage sag score Va, Vb, Vc Post sag RMS voltages of phase A, B and C respectively VUF Voltage unbalance factor Vp Positive sequence voltage component Vn Negative sequence voltage component Vab, Vbc, Vca Three-phase imbalanced line voltages Vabe Difference between the line voltage Vab and the average line voltage VPPI Voltage Profile Performance Index A Pairwise comparison matrix ajk General element of pairwise comparison matrix j, k Names of criterion w Vector of criteria weight S Matrix of PQ phenomena scores v Vector of global PQ phenomena scores Fi Vector of individual corresponding indices of PQ phenomena Fthr Vector of threshold values of indices p Number of PQ phenomena considered UPQIi Unified power quality index for the i th bus Wg, Wd, Wl Weights assigned to grid, DG and load bus group respectively Ag, Ad, Al PQ priority scores of grid, DG and load bus group respectively g Total number of utility grid buses d Total number of DG buses l Total number of load buses wi Power quality importance score of the i th bus of the corresponding bus group UPQIg Unified power quality index of grid bus group UPQId Unified power quality index of DG bus group UPQIl Unified power quality index of load bus group UPQIoverall Unified power quality index of the overall system Iph Photocurrent Is Load current Id Diode current Ish Shunt current Fs Solar radiation To Ambient temperature Vs Load voltage P1, P2, P3 Constants Tj Junction temperature e The charge of an electron a The ideality factor of a diode Ns The number of cells connected in series K Boltzmann's constant Rs The value of series resistance Eg Energy bandgap