0.520 nm from 1550.620 to 1550.616 nm. The impact of mode competition at around the 1530-nm range is reduced when utilizing the band-pass filter. Therefore, the efficiency needed to produce more Brillouin Stokes is increased and these Stokes experience higher gain in the cavity.
CONCLUSIONThe improvement of the number of Stokes in the Brillouin erbiumfiber laser system, incorporating a band-pass filter, has been reported for the first time. The total output power of Brillouin Stokes improved to 2.3 mW with a 21% increment, as compared to that of the conventional design. The maximum number of 15 Brillouin stokes is obtained in the proposed design, which reflects the efficiency of the band-pass filter to suppress the competing modes in the region of 1530 nm. The flatness of the BEFL output can be increased with the use of the band-pass filter.