Abstract. A direct method for transforming multiple solute transport equations, coupled by linear, series, and/or parallel first-order, irreversible reactions, into a series of simple transport equations having known solutions is developed. Using this method, previously published analytical solutions to single-species transport problems, in which the transported species reacts with first-order kinetics, can be used to derive analytical solutions to multispecies transport systems with parallel, serial, and combined reaction networks. This new method overcomes many of the limitations that were implicit in previously published methods. In particular, the number of species that can be described is unlimited, and the reaction stoichiometry does not have to be unimolar. To illustrate the method, an analytical solution is derived for a five-species serial-parallel reactive transport system. The analytical solution obtained for this problem is compared with a numerical solution obtained with a previously developed code. This analytical method is applicable to the verification of new numerical codes.
IntroductionTo test and verify numerical descriptions of reactive transport in porous media, a variety of analytical solutions must be developed. However, the number of available analytical solutions, and the particular problems described by these solutions, is limited because of difficulties in solving such problems. All the above solutions are based on the unimolar assumption; that is, the stoichiometry of the reaction is such that 1 mol of product is produced from the reaction of 1 mol of reactant. However, this assumption is limiting if the species react according to serial-parallel reaction networks. In such instances a parent species may react to produce more than one daughter. Further, for such reactions the stoichiometric yields may be less than or more than unity.