Context. Solar energetic particles (SEPs), accelerated during solar eruptions, are observed to rapidly reach a wide heliolongitudinal range in the interplanetary space. To access these locations, the particles must have either been accelerated at a wide particle source, or propagated across the mean Parker spiral magnetic field. Aims. We study the propagation of SEPs in a new model of heliospheric turbulence which takes the spiral geometry of the average magnetic field into account, to evaluate how this improved description affects the SEP path lengths and the overall evolution of SEP intensities at 1 au. Methods. We use full-orbit test particle simulations of 100-MeV protons in a novel analytic model for turbulent magnetic field in the Parker spiral geometry, where the turbulence is dominated by modes that are transverse and 2-dimensional with respect to the Parker spiral direction. Results. We find that the particles spread along the meandering field lines to arrive at a 60 • heliolongitudinal range at 1 au heliocentric distance within an hour of their injection at the Sun, consistent with the heliolongitudinal extent of the meandering field lines. The SEP onset times are asymmetric with respect to the location connected to the source along the Parker spiral, with westward locations seeing earlier arrival and higher peak intensity. The inferred path length of the first-arriving particles is 1.5-1.7 au, 30-50% longer than the Parker spiral, and 20% longer than the length of the random-walking field lines. Subsequently, the SEP distribution broadens, consistent with diffusive spreading of SEPs across the field lines. Conclusions. Our results indicate that due to the nature of interplanetary turbulence, SEPs can propagate rapidly across the mean Parker Spiral field to arrive at wide range of longitudes, even without a wide particle source. The modelled SEP onset times, the peak intensity and subsequent heliolongitudinal evolution replicate several observed SEP event features. Further studies are be required to investigate the relative importance of interplanetary transport and source size in different turbulence environments.