SUMMARYDespite successful application to orthotropic analysis, any Lagrangian strain tensor that is symmetric can be classified as an isotropic metric, while the infinitely orthotropic case can be accurately dealt with using one-dimensional elements, structural tensors or kinematic constraints. In this paper, we present a strongly orthotropic continuum mechanics basis that models the exact kinematic behavior of the intermediary class of materials and also show its application to multi-axial media and treatment using the finite element method. By asserting that mechanistic strain metrics must be material property dependent and satisfy equilibrium, we are able to derive a novel orthotropic linear strain tensor that is asymmetric and thus capable of describing all levels of orthotropy, while maintaining generality to the well-established isotropic approach. Subsequently formulated are a material principal rotation tensor, extended orthotropic compliance tensor and an extended Mohr's plot for strain relying on an additional metric denoted as aspectual strain. Using the developed finite element formulation, it is shown that identical stress results to conventional theory for an orthotropic linear problem are predicted, while offering a more informative analysis. A second numerical example demonstrates the unique capability of this approach to solve the erroneous response of strongly orthotropic materials under trellis shear as compared with a number of conventional and contemporary approaches and thus its ability to produce kinematically exact results.