The State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart (SMNS) holds one of the largest and most important insect collections in Germany. True bugs (Heteroptera), with 80.000 specimens at SMNS, have previously received little attention. Here, an annotated type catalogue of the Heteroptera collection is given. Type material of 67 nominal taxa is present at SMNS, among them types of 52 valid species and three valid subspecies. The families Miridae and Cydnidae contribute the largest number of types, but types from seven other families are also represented.K e y wo r d s: Heteroptera, type catalogue, collection, SMNS Z u s a m m e n f a s s u n g Das Staatliche Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart beherbergt eine der größten und wichtigsten entomologischen Sammlungen Deutschlands. Die Teilsammlung Heteroptera, 80.000 Exemplare stark, hat bislang wenig Beachtung erfahren. Ein kommentierter Typenkatalog wurde nun erstellt. Typenmaterial von 67 Nominaltaxa wurde ermittelt, darunter 52 valide Arten und zwei valide Unterarten. Am häufigsten repräsentiert sind Typen der Miridae und Cydnidae, wobei auch Typen aus sieben weiteren Familien vorhanden sind.
C o n t e n t s inteGratiVe SySteMaticSVolume 2Text on the label is given within quotation marks; information outside quotation marks is commentary on the condition of the specimen. Different labels are separated by double slash "//", different lines in the same label by slash "/". Data in square brackets are notes of the present author: [p] indicates that the preceding information is printed, [hw] -that it is hand-written. Unless other wise indicated, the labels are white and the ink is black in case of printed labels or black/blue in case of handwritten ones. Peculiarities of spelling or typeset on the label are preserved: capitals, wider spacing or strikethrough are given as such. Species names in the label text are not italicized, unless they were italicized on the labels.