This paper provides details of a technique which enables the automatic creation of a geological surface model from terrain, outcrop and subsurface horizon data The model is created in such a way that each data set provides constraints on the interpretation of others. Both terrain and subsurface formation boundaries are represented by adjoining triangulated irregular networks that am constmined by the linear boundaries of outcrop regions. This approach to model creation demonstrates a step toward automated integration of sparse da@ from multiple sources, that may allow complex geological structures to be stored within JD-GIS.
IntroductionThe aims of this paper are three-fold. Firstly, it presents, in a 3D-GIS context, the concept of combining terrain, outcrop and subsurface data for the purpose of constructing geological surface data models. Secondly, the paper outlines a data model construction methodoiogy based on, and motivated by, the previously mentioned concept. This methodology, many aspects of which can be adapted for use within existing surface modeling packages, is intended as a useful guide to those with an interest in computer-based geological surface modeling. The third aim of the paper is to give de&ails of specific algorithms. that include some novel techniques, which, when combined and applied in accordance with thk model construction methodology, automatically produce a geological surface model.