management of the resources in the various workloads is the key factor of the performance of the distributed computing infrastructure such as (cloud computing, cluster computing and grid computing). Maximizing the resource utilization and enhance the overall performance of the distributed computing infrastructure distribute the workload among the available resource. We can say that the performance is also dependent on the policy of load balancing if load balancing policy is good its leads to better performance and maximize the resource utilization. Grid computing is collection of heterogeneous system from the multiple administrative domains which are geographically distributed to preform parallel processing on demand and provide single coherent view to the user. It suffers from three main challenges scalability, adaptability and heterogeneity. In this paper we provides a detailed study of various load balancing techniques used in the distributed computing which provides you better understanding of various load balancing algorithm with the distributed computing infrastructure.Keyword: Load balancing, grid computing, cluster computing, cloud computing, distributed computing.
I. INTRODUCTIONDistributed computing is the most favourable area computer science in which the resources are physically distributed and connected via network and perform communication the help of message passing techniques to perform a common goal the user is always unknown about that processing is going on parallel multiple system he always think the process is going on single system because distributed computing provide single coherent view to the user. Applications of the distributed computing are (cloud computing, grid computing, peer to peer and cluster computing).[1] Distributed computing always able to run those applications which is especially written for run in distributed environment we cannot run all the application on distributed infrastructure and message passing is performed for communication with the help of various methods such as RPC (Remote Procedure Call), HTTP and message ques.[2] Challenges in the distributed computing is the maintain various kind of transparency such as location transparency, migration transparency and relocation transparency.Cloud computing is mechanism of providing on demand services for the various purpose such as (storage, processing and infrastructure). It is an application of the distributed computing it is used internet based communication system means user can demand for the service by using internet and cloud computing provides the resource on demand as per the need of the user. Cloud computing is the pool of the resources where all users are sharing the resources transparently they are not aware of that any other user is also using the same resource each user things the resource used by them is only dedicated to them this is due to transparency maintain by the cloud service provider with the help of virtualization and they also offer virtualization on hardware level not only applicatio...