Abstract-cADP-Ribose (cADPR) is a novel endogenous messenger that is believed to mobilize Ca 2ϩ from ryanodinesensitive Ca 2ϩ stores. Despite intense research, the precise mechanism of action of cADPR remains uncertain, and experimental findings are contradictory. To elucidate the mechanism of cADPR action, we performed confocal Ca 2ϩ imaging in saponin-permeabilized rat ventricular myocytes. Exposure of the cells to cADPR resulted in a slow (Ͼ2 minutes) and steady increase in the frequency of Ca 2ϩ sparks. These effects on local release events were accompanied by a significant increase in sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca 2ϩ content. In comparison, sensitization of ryanodine receptors (RyRs) by caffeine, a true RyR agonist, caused a rapid (Ͻ1 second) and transient potentiation of Ca 2ϩ sparks followed by a decrease in SR Ca 2ϩ content. When the increase in the SR load was prevented by partial inhibition of the SR Ca 2ϩ with thapsigargin, cADPR failed to produce any increase in sparking activity. cADPR had no significant impact on activity of single cardiac RyRs incorporated into lipid bilayers. However, it caused a significant increase in the rate of Ca 2ϩ uptake by cardiac SR microsomes.
Materials and Methods
Confocal MicroscopySingle ventricular myocytes were obtained from adult male SpragueDawley rat hearts (nϭ33) by enzymatic dissociation. 15 The , ATP, and EGTA concentrations were calculated by using (WinMAXC 1.80). All chemicals were from Sigma unless otherwise specified. All experiments were performed at room temperature (21°C to 23°C). Changes in [Ca 2ϩ ] were recorded with a Bio-Rad Laser Scanning Confocal system (MRC-1024ES, Bio-Rad Laboratories) with an Olympus 60ϫ 1.4 N.A. objective. 16 Fluo-3 was excited by light at 488 nm (25-mW argon laser, intensity attenuated to 0.3%), and the fluorescence was acquired at wavelengths of Ͼ515 nm in the line scan mode at rate of 6.0 ms per scan. Ca 2ϩ sparks were quantified by using a detection computer algorithm, and their statistics were corrected for missed events and amplitude distortions introduced by instrumental noise. 16,17 Data were expressed as meansϮSE. Comparisons were performed by using the paired t-test, and significance was defined at PϽ0.05.
Preparation of SR Membrane VesiclesHeavy SR microsomes were isolated by differential centrifugation from the ventricles of dog heart as described previously. 15
Lipid Bilayer ExperimentsSingle RyRs were reconstituted by fusing SR microsomes into planar lipid bilayers as described previously. 18
SR Ca 2؉ Uptake MeasurementsCa 2ϩ uptake measurements were performed with spectrofluorometer D-Scan (PTI). We monitored [Ca 2ϩ ] outside the membrane vesicles using the ratiometric Ca 2ϩ indicator Fura 2FF (1 mmol/L, K ϩ salt). The medium in the cuvette consisted of (in mmol/L): K aspartate 100, KCl 20, MgCl 2 0.81, phosphocreatine 10, MgATP 3, and 5 U/mL creatine phosphokinase, pH 7.2. To inhibit the Ca 2ϩ release through RyRs, the experimental medium was supplemented with 10 mol/L ruthenium red. Membranes (0.5 t...