A system of predictive relationships is presented t o assist designers in laying out operator workspaces for underground low-coal mining machines. The low-coal mining environment (less than 1.22m (48 in.) seam height) imposes a unique set of constraints on design which must be addressed if operator safety and comfort a r e to be maintained. User population, c a b dimensions, operator posture and seating, visibility, machine vibration, and control/display locations a r e all areas of vital importance t o t h e design of a properly dimensioned low-coal operators cab. Several of these issues were evaluated using two-dimensional YU inch scale drawing board manikins. Parameters such as cab height, c a b length, knee angles, seat pitch, backrest angles, foot angles, and foot control forces were systematically varied in drawing board layouts using 95th percentile male, 5th percentile male, and 5th percentile female manikins. Linear and quadratic regression equations were then f i t t e d to t h e plotted