The production of biogas via anaerobic digestion (AD) provides significant benefits over other techniques of bioenergy production. Biogas consists of several undesired components, such as H2S, CO2, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, and water vapor, which contribute to lower the calorific value when compared with natural gas. The pollutants founded in low concentration effects the biogas commercial application in large scale, and therefore it must be taken out before usage. Various cleaning and upgrading techniques to improve the quality of raw biogas are discussed and categorized into physiochemical and biological technologies. Advanced techniques, such as hydrate separation, cryogenic separation, biological methods, membrane enrichment, in-situ upgrading, multistage and high-pressurized anaerobic digestion, represent the modern developments in biogas upgrading techniques. Biogas is a renewable green source of energy, and presently, it is utilized in a lot of developing countries as an alternative and energy renewable source for a broad range of applications. Most countries are in the process of instituting legislation to regulate the biogas industry. Biogas is considered to be the future of renewable and sustainable energy.