Measuring and linking competencies require special instruments, special data collection designs, and special statistical models. The measurement instruments are tests or tests forms, which can be used in the following situations: The same test can be given repeatedly; two or more parallel tests forms (i.e., forms intended to be similar in difficulty and content and that still need to equated) can be given at different time points; or two or more test forms that may be less parallel to various degrees can be given at different points in time. In some circumstances, the goal of the analysis is to make the scores of parallel test forms comparable across different time points and different samples of relatively similar ability (horizontal equating). In other situations, we aim at the comparability of scores of tests forms that are not parallel, and although they are intended to measure the same competencies, they are of different difficulties and are taken by samples that show large differences in ability (vertical linking). In other cases, we want to evaluate the change in competencies over time (with or without covariates) for the same individuals measured by the same instrument or by different instruments (longitudinal linking). This paper will briefly discuss a variety of techniques for relating scale scores from different data collections points and will then discuss models for measuring growth. Each of these areas is a large field in itself, and each has a potential strong impact on educational policies such as the No Child Left Behind Act (for example, the vertical linking of state or national assessments and longitudinal studies are a potential basis for informative analyses for the policy makers), on the life of students and parents (equating of achievement tests), or on the life of professionals (equating of licensure tests). In these times when more and more standardized testing is used for assessing competencies in different domains nationally and internationally, we are also discovering more challenges in ensuring that the process and the results are fair and accurate. In turn, these challenges and these new social implications open the door toward more research in support of fair assessments, both in improving upon the test construction process and in advancing the statistical methods involved.