Abstract-A good number of tools and techniques have been developed to support reuse of learning objects in instruction design for e-learning environments. However, the challenge is that learning objects with multi-format assets can not be fully adapted for reuse using existing adaptation tools and techniques. This limits reusability in instruction design. This research proposes a model to support full adaptation of learning objects with multi-format assets so as to improve reusability in instruction design.Index Terms-Instruction design, learning objects, reusability, learning object adaptation.
I. INTRODUCTIONThe term learning object has been defined by a number of scholars and standards organizations but the definitions focus on how the concept has been used in instruction design. For example, Wiley [1] defines a learning object as "any digital resource that can be reused to support learning", Chiappe et al.[2] defines a learning object as "a digital, self-contained, reusable entity with a clear learning aim that contains at least three internal changing components: content, instructional activities, and context elements", while the standard for Learning Object Metadata [3] developed by the IEEE's Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC) defines a learning object as "any entity -digital or non-digital -that may be used for learning, education or training". These definitions of a learning object suggest that anything used or reused in instruction design to achieve a learning objective can be a learning object. A learning objective in this case means " a single measurable (or verifiable) step on the way to a learning goal" [4].However, for the purpose of scope, this research looks at learning objects that have the following key characteristics; Learning objects that are white-box transparent [5]. Learning objects that can be delivered in a web-based environment. Learning objects which can be decomposed into their assets(but remain with a pedagogical sense) to allow adaptation. Learning objects whose metadata is stored in XML files for easy discovery in repositories according to the IEEE LOM metadata standard [6]. Schach [7] defines reuse as "using components of one product to facilitate the development of a different product with different functionality". Thus, in this paper we define reusability of learning objects as the likelihood that the learning object designed can be used in different ways to achieve different learning objectives with little or no modification.The learning objects can be retrieved from the repositories and reused in creating instructional materials. Just as how reusing software components in components based software engineering improves on productivity and thus reducing the cost of software development [8], so should be the reuse of learning objects in instructional design. Agaba and Lubega [5] suggest that "as long as the terms and conditions of reusing the learning object are not violated by the instructional designer, reusing existing learning objects to produce new cont...