This is the published version of a paper published in Electric power systems research.
Citation for the original published paper (version of record):Jürgensen, J H., Nordström, L., Hilber, P. (2016) Individual failure rates for transformers within a population based on diagnostic measures. The high monetary value of a transformer has placed the transformer life-time optimization into the focus of asset management. The average failure rate has created reasonable results within reliability modeling, however, it cannot reflect the probability of failure for an individual transformer. In this paper, a method is introduced to calculate individual failure rates for a transformer population based on failure statistics and diagnostic measurements such as dissolved gas, and 2-furfuraldehyde analysis. The method is applicable to all types of components and the comprehensibility makes it effective for practical implementation. The results are evaluated against two health indices based on a weight factor and fuzzy logic. It can be observed that the presented individual failure rates are plausible representatives of the transformer's probability of failure. Therefore, the results can also be utilized for asset management decision-making.