Within the scope of this research, the fuzzy‐analytical hierarchy process (F‐AHP) method is applied to assess the waste management approaches adopted by various hospitals in the city of Gwalior, India. Fuzzy‐AHP, as an alternative to traditional AHP, accommodates uncertainty and imprecision, offering a decision‐making method that is more adaptable and realistic. The F‐AHP methodology, delineated in a seven‐step process, incorporates pairwise comparisons, fuzzy mathematics, and linguistic variables to compute fuzzy weights for waste management criteria, encompassing physical, biological, social, and economic aspects. Hospital 1, with a weight value of 0.406 and strict adherence to the Bio‐medical Waste Management (Amendment), 2018 rules and regulations of the Government of India, emerges as the most promising sustainability hospital based on the F‐AHP analysis findings. Conversely, Hospital 5 exhibits the poorest waste management practices among the surveyed hospitals, earning the lowest possible ranking. While the proposed F‐AHP method provides valuable insights, the study is limited to a specific geographic area (Gwalior) and potential variations based on environmental factors. Additionally, the practical implications extend beyond the general emphasis on continuous monitoring to include specific actions for hospitals to enhance their waste management systems.