“…[10] This pioneering work was followed by numerous other examples of SDE via achiral chromatography, [1,[3][4][5] as well as the theoretical modelling of chromatographic behaviour of nonracemic compoundsu nder various conditions of achiral chromatography. [27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34] As predicted by Charles and Gil-Av, SDE via achiralc hromatography turned out to be ar emarkably comprehensivep henomenon observed for virtually all types of chiral compounds containing central, [1][2][3][4][5]35] axial, [36][37][38] or helical [39] chirality.I nt his review article,c elebrating the scientificl egacy of ProfessorG il-Av,w ef ocus on our most recent research relating to the subjecto fh is seminal work in this area, [26,30] devoted to SDE via achiral chromatography of chiral amides,i ncluding somey et unpublished results.T he data presented and discussed in this review are divided to threem ajor groups, including amides derived from chiral amines, aamino acids,a nd b-amino acids.I ne ach group,w ed iscuss the observedS DE magnitude as af unction of ac ompoundss tructure,a nd composition of eluent and stationary phases.P articular emphasis is given to the examples which demonstrate the application of SDE via achiral chromatography as an unconventionalm ethod for enan- tiomeric purifications,a ffording,i nm ost of cases,b etter practicalo utcomest han with traditionalf ractional recrystallization.…”