Orbital, aerial, and proximal sensing applied to monitoring the spatial variability of coffee plantations / Maurício Martello. --Piracicaba, 2022.
p.Tese (Doutorado) --USP / Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz".1. Agricultura de precisão 2. Sensoriamento Remoto 3. Geoprocessamento 4. Colheita mecanizada I. Título My advisor Prof. Dr. José Paulo Molin for for accepting me to be part of his research team. Thank you for encouraging and supporting my ideas throughout my doctorate. You are an inspiration for me as a scientist, professor and person.The Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), for granting the scholarship.To Terrena Agro, Yara, Jacto, Planet Scope and Guima Coffee companies, for providing the equipment, imagens, and experimental fields over the three years of research. Especially to Mauro Mara, who on behalf of Terrena supported the project from the beginning. To Evaldo, Lucimar, Ricardo, Mariana, Salvador, Renato, and other people from the Guima Café farm who supported the field activities, always helping in the exchange of experiences and sparing no effort to help with whatever was needed. To Dr. Gustavo Portz for all the setup help and tips for using the sensor provided by Yara.To all friends from Precision Agriculture Laboratory (LAP), including the guys from the mechanization and precision agriculture group (gMAP), for the pleasant working environment of the last years. In particular, Helizani C.