Please cite this article as: S. Esmaili, M.R. Eslahchi, A modified spectral method for solving operator equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (2015), http://dx.
AbstractIn this paper we introduce a modified spectral method for solving the linear operator equationwhere H 1 and H 2 are normed vector spaces with norms ∥.∥ 1 and ∥.∥, respectively and D(L) is the domain of L. Also for each h ∈ H 2 , ∥h∥ 2 = (h, h) where (., .) is an inner product on H 2 . In this method we make a new set {ψ n } ∞ n=0 for H 1 using L and two sets in H 1 and H 2 . Then using the new set {ψ n } ∞ n=0 we solve this linear operator equation. We show that this method doesn't have some shortcomings of spectral method, also we prove the stability and convergence of the new method. After introducing the method we give some conditions that under them the nonlinear operator equation Lu + N u = f can be solved. Some examples are considered to show the efficiency of method.