Let M be a Riemannian manifold, o ∈ M be a fixed base point, Wo (M ) be the space of continuous paths from [0,1] to M starting at o ∈ M, and let νx denote Wiener measure on Wo (M ) conditioned to end at x ∈ M. The goal of this paper is to give a rigorous interpretation of the informal path integral expression for νx;In this expression E (σ) is the "energy" of the path σ, δx is the δ -function based at x, Dσ is interpreted as an infinite dimensional volume "measure" and Z is a certain "normalization" constant. We will interpret the above path integral expression as a limit of measures, ν 1 P,x , indexed by partitions, P of [0, 1]. The measures ν 1 P,x are constructed by restricting the above path integral expression to the finite dimensional manifolds, HP,x (M ) , of piecewise geodesics in Wo (M ) which are allowed to have jumps in their derivatives at the partition points and end at x. The informal volume measure, Dσ, is then taken to be a certain Riemannian volume measure on HP,x (M ) . When M is a symmetric space of non-compact type, we show how to naturally interpret the pinning condition, i.e. the δ -function term, in such a way that ν 1 P,x , are in fact well defined finite measures on HP,x (M ) . The main theorem of this paper then asserts that ν 1 P,x → νx (in a weak sense) as the mesh size of P tends to zero.