Sharing capabilities and information between collaborating entities by using modern information-and communication-technology is a core principle in complex distributed civil or military mission scenarios. Previous work proved the suitability of Service-oriented Architectures for modelling and sharing the participating entities' capabilities. Albeit providing a satisfactory model for capabilities sharing, pure service-orientation curtails expressiveness for information exchange as opposed to dedicated data-centric communication principles. In this paper we introduce an Information Management System which combines OWL-Ontologies and automated reasoning with Publish/Subscribe-Systems, providing for a shared but decoupled data model. While confirming existing related research results, we emphasise the novel application and lack of practical experience of using Semantic Web technologies in areas other than originally intended. That is, aiding decision support and software design in the context of a mission scenario for an unmanned system. Experiments within a complex simulation environment show the immediate benefits of a semantic information-management and -dissemination platform: Clear separation of concerns in code and data model, increased service re-usability and extensibility as well as regulation of data flow and respective system behaviour through declarative rules.