That diagrams are analog, i.e., homomorphic, representations of some kind, and sentential representations are not, is a generally held intuition. In this paper, we develop a formal framework in which the claim can be stated and examined, and certain puzzles resolved. We start by asking how physical things can represent information in some target domain. We lay a basis for investigating possible homomorphisms by modeling both the physical medium and the target domain as sets of variables, each with a constraint structure. When a homomorphism exists, the causality of the physical medium can provide a "free ride," automatically determining the information that is needed to solve a problem. The modeling technique enables us to show how in sentential representations the structure of the 2-D space is used non-homomorphically to define tokens, and to provide a minimal homomorphism with respect to the ordering of the arguments for n-ary functions, predicates, and operators, but otherwise there is no homomorphism with the target domain. Our treatment also characterizes diagrams as a type of a more general class of physical representations in which physical causality plays a role in providing the information needed to solve a problem.