This paper presents reconfigurable frequency and polarization FSS-based with photoconductive switches in a single and dual-band operation for antenna applications at the terahertz band. The single band FSS unit-cell element exhibits frequency reconfigurability between 0.62 THz and 0.7 THz. It also converts the LP waves into CP over a frequency band ranging from 0.59 THz to 0.8 THz (30 % 3-dB BW). The dual-band FSS unit-cell element exhibits frequency reconfigurability between (0.42 THz and 1.03 THz) when the switches are turned ON and (0.51 THz and 0.865 THz) when the switches are turned OFF. Moreover, it exhibits polarization conversion over two bands from 0.46 THz to 0.56 THz (20% 3-dB B.W) and from 0.82 THz to 0.91 THz (12 % 3-dB B.W). The dual-band FSS unit-cell element is arranged in a 7 x 7 array and used as a reflector for two dipole antennas (A and B) operating at 0.82 THz and 0.5 THz, respectively. The same dual-band FSS-based surface enhances their gain to about 8.4 dBi and converts their polarization from LP to CP at 0.82 THz and 0.5 THz, respectively.