Material degradation is one of the primary causes of gas-turbine hot section component retirement. This is characterized by microstructural aging and subsequent loss of creep strength. Under the same temperature conditions, the longer components remain in service, the more microstructural degradation occurs. This can be evaluated both through microscopy and stress-rupture tests, quantifying the material strength under high temperature, constant load creep conditions. In an effort to extend component life and reduce replacement part costs, material rejuvenation processes have been developed and implemented over the past few decades. In total over 35 commercial superalloy rejuvenation processes were studied and it was found that many alloys can be successfully rejuvenated but others pose a greater challenge. Issues of grain growth in forged turbine components and recrystallization in single crystal components impose limits on rejuvenation processes and are areas of ongoing development. The feasibility, successes and limitations of material rejuvenation are reviewed in this paper with a particular focus on the following superalloys: GTD111, IN738, and Nimonic 115. Examples of microstructure and stress-rupture life of turbine components in both the service-exposed and rejuvenated condition are presented. Component microstructure is shown to be restored, and the stress-rupture life following rejuvenation is returned to a condition fit for continued service.