Abstract. We show that a microscopic generalization of the Stokes-Einstein relation between the diffusion and shear viscosity coefficients, previously tested in simple liquids near melting, has a much wider range of application. The practical validity of the approach is accurately checked by performing extensive computer simulations in liquid sodium at temperatures ranging from 403 K to 1003 K.Transport properties such as the diffusion and shear viscosity coefficients are widely used in any macroscopic description of time-dependent phenomena in dense fluids and liquids such as, for example, ordinary Navier-Stokes hydrodynamics. These 'coarse-grained' approaches are, however, unable to predict in different thermodynamic states the actual magnitude of the transport coefficients, which depends on a variety of underlying microscopic events (comprising, e.g., collisions, vortices and particle trapping). In the last decade or so, considerable progress in the microdynamics of the liquid state has however been achieved by the development of comprehensive frameworks combining both kinetic and mode-coupling arguments [1,2]. In particular, by these approaches quite satisfactory results have been obtained for the dynamics (and consequently for the transport coefficients) of several simple liquids near freezing as well as in supercooled states [1]. In comparison, less attention has instead been devoted to realistic liquids at relatively high temperatures, where the tests of the above general framework are limited, and the results still somewhat controversial.In this work we shall explicitly consider the problem of 'predicting' the diffusion coefficient D of a simple liquid in a wide range of thermodynamic states. Specifically, we shall consider the case of molten sodium, an appropriate benchmark system because of the stability of its liquid phase over a rather large temperature interval (from the melting point at T m ∼ 371 K up to the boiling point at T b ∼ 1154 K). Although our approach is less general, it is much simpler (and equally reliable) than those referred to in the above, as will be clear in the following. We shall also compare the theoretical results for D with the experimental findings [3,4]. In order to test the validity of the predictions as accurately as possible, we have also performed a number of subsidiary molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in a model system which mimics in a rather realistic way the features of liquid Na for the properties under consideration. The effective pair potentials acting between the Na atoms are based on pseudopotential theory: we have used the Ashcroft empty-core pseudopotential [5] along with the Ichimaru-Utsumi expression for the local field correction [6]. The only parameter in the pseudopotential is the core radius, for which we have taken the usual value reported in the literature (0.9049Å) [7]. For state I (cf.