Tomato is one of the nutritious and commercially important vegetable that can be cultivated in indoor and outdoor during all seasons. But lack of technical knowledge and awareness towards improved tomato cultivation practices lead to reduced yield and productivity. Hence, to increase the productivity of the tomato, improved tomato cultivation practices should be adopted. To serve this purpose, this study was attempted to understand the knowledge level of the tomato growers towards improved tomato cultivation practices and the factors influencing it. Twenty tomato growers from each villages of Longkhum, Ungma, Mangmetong, Aliba, Chungtia and Khensa in Ongpangkong block of Mokokchung district, Nagaland was selected as primary respondents of the study. The data gathered from the tomato growers were analyzed with suitable statistical tools. From the study, it could be observed that nearly half of the tomato growers had medium level of knowledge and educational status, size of land holding under tomato cultivation, annual income and mass media exposure had significant relationship with the knowledge level of the tomato growers towards improved tomato cultivation practices.