It is shown that about 40 per cent of 10.7 cm‐λ bursts with peak intensities greater than 5×10−22 wm−2 (c/s)−1 are accompanied by bursts on meter waves. The percentage association increases with the peak intensity of 10.7 cm‐λ bursts and attains a value of about 90 per cent when the peak intensity exceeds 1000×10−22 wm−2 (c/s)−1. The reverse association, that is, the association of a meter‐λ burst with a burst on centimeter waves, is dependent on the spectral type of the meter‐λ burst. The association is about 15, 40, 70, and 100 per cent for types III, V, II, and IV, respectively. The type III and type V bursts usually occur within about 1 minute and ½ minute, respectively, of the associated cm‐λ burst maxima. The type II bursts occur after about 2 to 6 minutes of the associated cm‐λ burst maxima. The type IV bursts in the 250 to 580 Mc/s range occur within about 4 minutes of the start of the associated cm‐λ bursts. From simultaneous dynamic spectral observations in the 25 to 580 Mc/s range and single‐frequency observations on 9400, 3750, 2000, and 1000 Mc/s, the average spectra of cm‐λ bursts associated with different spectral types of meter‐λ bursts have been studied. It is shown that cm‐λ bursts associated with meter‐λ type IV and type II bursts have brightness temperatures of the order of 108 and 107 deg K, respectively, and can probably be explained by synchrotron radiation of high‐energy electrons. The cm‐λ bursts associated with type V and type III bursts have brightness temperatures of 106 to 107 deg K in the 2000 to 9400 Mc/s range and have probably a thermal plus synchrotron origin; the 1000 Mc/s bursts have brightness temperatures higher than 107 deg K and have a nonthermal origin, probably due to plasma oscillation corresponding to type III bursts. The cm‐λ bursts unaccompanied by any meter‐λ burst have brightness temperatures less than 106 deg K and are believed to have a thermal origin.