The publication may also be distributed here under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the "Taverne" license. More information can be found on the University of Groningen website: I want to express my sincere appreciation of Kanat Camlibel and Harry Trentelman, whose inspiration during my bachelor's and master's studies played a pivotal role in my decision to pursue a PhD degree. Similarly, I am thankful to Henk van Waarde for his invaluable mentorship throughout the last five years; as a master thesis supervisor at first, as a senior colleague later, and as a postdoc supervisor now. You have truly been a role model to me.My PhD journey would not have been as fulfilling without my wonderful colleagues in the SCO (SCAA) group at the Bernoulli Institute. In particular, I am grateful to my current and former office mates, Armin, Yongzhang, Mark, and Jaap, for transforming our office into a dynamic space where the boundary between serious scientific discussions and lighthearted banter often became quite murky. I am also grateful to Amir, Hamin, Koorosh and Radu for being such great company during our afternoon walks. To all current, former, and temporary members of the SCO group, including