We report on the local control of the transition frequency of a spin-1/2 encoded in two Rydberg levels of an individual atom by applying a state-selective light shift using an addressing beam. With this tool, we first study the spectrum of an elementary system of two spins, tuning it from a non-resonant to a resonant regime, where "bright" (superradiant) and "dark" (subradiant) states emerge. We observe the collective enhancement of the microwave coupling to the bright state. We then show that after preparing an initial single spin excitation and letting it hop due to the spin-exchange interaction, we can freeze the dynamics at will with the addressing laser, while preserving the coherence of the system. In the context of quantum simulation, this scheme opens exciting prospects for engineering inhomogeneous XY spin Hamiltonians or preparing spin-imbalanced initial states.Real-world magnetic materials are often modeled with simple spin Hamiltonians exhibiting the key properties under study. Despite their simplified character, these models remain challenging to solve, and an actively explored approach is to implement them in pristine experimental platforms [1]. Such quantum simulators usually require an ordered assembly of interacting spins, also called qubits in the case of spin-1/2, manipulated by global and local coherent operations. Local operations are a crucial element of a quantum simulator and they have been used, for example, to perform one-qubit rotations for quantum state tomography [2], to engineer two-qubit quantum gates (see e.g. [3,4]), or to prepare peculiar initial states [5,6] and apply local noise [7] for studies of many-body localization. To achieve a local operation, one usually shifts the frequency of one targeted qubit in the system. Depending on the physical platform, different approaches are used to accomplish this, such as applying static electric fields for quantum dots [8], or magnetic fluxes for superconducting circuits [9]. In atomic systems, focusing an off-resonant laser beam on a single site can be used to apply an AC-Stark shift on ground-state levels [10][11][12][13].Another promising approach for quantum information science and quantum simulation of spin Hamiltonians are atomic platforms based on Rydberg states [14,15], as they provide strong, tunable dipole-dipole interactions [16][17][18]. In addition, arrays of optical tweezers allow the efficient preparation of assemblies of up to 50 atoms, arranged in arbitrary geometries, as has been recently demonstrated [19,20]. One can encode a spin-1/2 between the ground-state and a Rydberg level, use the van der Waals interactions between two identical Rydberg states and map the system onto an Ising-like Hamiltonian [21]. In this case, the spins can be manipulated globally by a resonant laser field and local addressing has been demonstrated using a far red-detuned focused laser beam shifting the ground-state energy of a particular atom in the ensemble [11].In addition to Ising Hamiltonian, the long-range XY Hamiltonian [22][23][24][25...