Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been performed on a dense polymer melt
adsorbed on a solid substrate on the one side and exposed to vacuum on the other. As a model system,
a thin film of polyethylene (PE) melt supported by a crystalline graphite phase on its one side (the other
surface of the film is free) has been examined. Most simulations have been carried out with unentangled
PE melt systems, such as C78 and C156, in the NPT statistical ensemble at T = 450 K and P = 0 atm for
times up to 100 ns, using a multiple-time step MD algorithm and by incorporating the correct dependence
of the long-range contribution to the energy and stress tensor on the density profile. To increase the
statistical accuracy of the results, large systems have been employed in the MD simulations, such as a
200-chain C78 melt consisting of 15 600 carbon atoms. The MD simulation data have been analyzed to
provide information about the spatial dependence of the short-time dynamical properties (conformational
relaxation) of the melt and the long-time segmental motion and mobility in the film (transport and
diffusion). Local mobility near the graphite phase is predicted to be highly anisotropic: although it remains
practically unaltered in the directions x and y parallel to the surface, it is dramatically reduced in the
direction z perpendicular to it. To calculate the long time self-diffusion coefficient of adsorbed segments
in the direction perpendicular to the graphite plane, MD trajectories have been mapped onto the
(numerical) solution of a macroscopic, continuum diffusion equation describing the temporal and spatial
evolution of the concentration of adsorbed atoms in the polymer matrix. Our calculations prove that the
diffusive motion of segments remains inhomogeneous along the z direction of the adsorbed film for
distances up to approximately 5−6 times the root-mean-square of the radius of gyration, R
g, of the bulk,
unconstrained melt.